St Maarten Day 3: Catamaran Adventure

Ooof. This will be a short one. I’m sitting on our balcony listening to the steel drum band play Bruno Mars. I probably enjoyed the fruity drinks too much today.

Piña colada fan

Just after we made our hotel reservations, I went online and booked a Catamaran snorkeling adventure. We met the bus at 0845 and landed at the dock at 0920. Our tour wasn’t leaving until 1000, so we chatted with nearby friends and explored a few shops.

Waiting for the boat

The catamaran has a max of 60 – we were pushing 51. The start was a little bumpy – delayed by the late arrival of some cruise ship passengers from Wonder of the Sea.

We stopped at two snorkeling spots, plus two beach spots. Lunch was impressive. I thought the tuna and hand and cheese sandwiches were the meal, but they turned out to be just an apperatife when the chef surfaced with grilled pork ribs and chicken with curry sauce.

Exhaustion on the way back

Tomorrow is a big “?” We might rent a car and explore – we might hang at the resort and do the usual. The latter sounds fairly appealing right now, but I’m also exhausted.

– Steph

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