St Maarten Day 1: Why can’t we drive to the island?

Sometime in October, we got another itch to travel – sooner than later – and somewhere warm. Amir found reasonable flights to St. Maarten, a small island in the Atlantic, a territory of the Netherlands.

He’s been here before – at least twice. When we met and were courting, I remember him showing me photos of a beach at the end of an airport runway where you can stand and be blown backward by the engine thrust from above. Now flash forward 11 years later – we are on our way.

Getting there is fun!

There’s no question this destination will satisfy everyone. #1BigBrother is in the peak of his transportation and trucks era. The planes will blow his hair and mind. The pool apparently has two waterslides, so #1BigSister has her dreams filled. I’m looking forward to all inclusive food that I don’t have to cook. Oh and dishes. No dishes. Did I mention the dishwasher broke just before Christmas?

#1BigSister in her mermaid bathing suit from Santa

As soon as as we hit tie doors of the Sonesta Maho, the kids were begging to go to the pool. I was impressed how fast we all made getting ready (swim suits, sunscreen, tactical wees) happen since we’d all woken up at 3am. Usually an extra early wakeup is a recipe for lack of cooperation. Today we got lucky thanks to a double waterslide and strawberry smoothies beckoning the kids.

Strawberry daiquiris in the pool

After the pool we walked just a few yards to the beach. Maho is one of the world’s most famous beaches, known as the beach where airplanes fly over. I was a bit skeptical of the serenity one could get with commercial jet noise, but I was quickly proven wrong. Planes pass in just a few seconds, hardly adding any noise pollution and giving a feast for eyes young and old.

Sunset at Sonesta Maho

We accidentally timed it perfectly. The sun was setting just as we approached. The beach was far less crowded than I’d expected. Everything seemed to come together to create the serenity I’d written off.

We have zero plans yet for tomorrow aside from sleeping in as late as possible. It’s 9:51PM (8:51 EST) as I type this, and that 3AM wakeup is really catching up with me. The two glasses of Sauvignon Blanc probably aren’t helping either.

– Steph

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